Database Migration Tips

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The Honest Perspective Weekly Prompt

April 12th — 18th

Hisu Lee on Unsplash

Whether the ideas have slowed to a trickle or you’re just feeling curious and in the mood for a little reflection. Our weekly prompt is an invitation to ruminate on an idea and see what arises.

Be it poetry or prose you’d like to submit to us, or a journal entry for your eyes only, take a moment to pause at some point during your week and set your pen free.

It’s all about the children

Love or loath them, once you reach a certain age they begin to appear in every conversation.

What does your family mean to you? Is it complete? Did you have the children you wanted and was that your choice?

Are you sick of being asked if you are going to have kids?

Where are you on the parenthood journey and is it a happy place?

Remember if you are submitting a response to a prompt, please include the tag ‘prompt’ when sending it to us.

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